Sunday, November 4, 2012

Things that are Expensive vs Not Expensive

Not expensive:

Milk: $1 per liter
Red & Green Peppers: About $.20 ea. (I remember paying $3.50 ea in Alaska in 1997)
Pack of Cigarettes: $1.00 to $1.75
Water: 6 liters for $.90 (US 1/2 liter for $1.25)
Vodka: 1 bottle for $3.00


All vehicles: New Opel sedan $35,000; Used BMW $90,000; Volkswagen Toureg $65,000 (in the US $43,000)
Rent: $800/month for 3 bedroom apartment in a high rise (Average income is $710 per month - More than one person per house has a full time job)
Interest Rate: Typical is 18%, bu I have seen it as low as 14% for a house loan.
Meat: $25 for 1 kg roast (2.2 lbs)
Typical bottle of wine starts at $10/bottle.  Decent stuff is a minimum of $15 to $25.

Keep in mind a typical Russian can expect to make 15,000 rubles per month ($500).  That is wy they must have more than one job, more than one person working per household and several generations living together.  These are upper middle class scenarios.

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